goddamn masterpiece

by - November 08, 2017

" fuck you, for being too beautiful for existence. "
I could have fallen in love with you a thousand times over and over again. The moment I see that familiar brown eyes, I tasted true happiness. I've always rejected the idea of someone who is exactly like your dreams is out there somewhere.
But you.
You were more than perfect. No, wait. I never wanted perfect. 
I wanted flawed, and you were flawed and perfect at the same time.
How is it even possible?
You were ordinary, but there was something about you that is out of this universe. 
Or maybe I romanticized you a bit too much.
That's a new hobby of mine; romanticizing. God, even the word is beautiful. 
I romanticize you in a way that made a lot of people fell in love with you through my words. 
I romanticize you in words that were elegantly written and used by poets.
I romanticize you as if I was trying to get the stars to bless you.
I romanticize you in ways that I fell in love with you ore than once every single day.
These romanticize were never lies. It's the truth. The beautiful truth of how breathtaking your soul is. I can never get tired of adoring you, writing about you, choosing you, loving you, and supporting you and just savoring every inch of who you are.
The words that swims through my mind when I see you is just keeps on overwhelming me. It makes my heart melt and I see the stars and beauty around me and poetic words escape my lips.
I see you and everything is yours. I love yu, I love you, I love you and I love you enough to say that you were never meant to be trapped in a human body. You were made to be something far more beautiful than the moon, to be adored and inspired.

You are you, and hell, you're a goddamn masterpiece.
My masterpiece.

yours truly,

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